Rejuvenation By Dr Morag

Duty of Candour Policy

Rejuvenation By Dr Morag is committed to being honest and open with service users about treatment and services provided. 

In order to minimise the risk of something going wrong, the owners at Rejuvenation By Dr Morag will fully discuss the proposed treatment, explain the risks and benefits, provide information as to whether the risk occurs often or infrequently and aim to give as accurate costing as possible, but especially with dermal filler treatment, service users will be advised that it can be difficult to accurately estimate the amount of product required and often depends on the service user’s aesthetics demands/expectations. These will be discussed and explored thoroughly prior to starting any treatment plan, and then a plan will be agreed with the service user working to their budget. Service users will also be advised of alternative treatment options and the risks and benefits of all will be discussed thoroughly.

In the event that something goes wrong with a service user treated at the Rejuvenation By Dr Morag at the time of treatment or as a result of treatment the owner will:

  • Tell the service user something has gone wrong and discuss what has happened; this will be discussed as soon as possible after it is clear something has gone wrong and all information regarding what has happened and why and what the expected consequences are will be discussed.
  • Apologise to the service user that something has gone wrong: when apologising to the patient the owners will give the patient the information they want or need in a way that they understand; the information will be given sensitively and in private.
  • Explain and discuss the long and short term effects of what has happened, where possible offer a solution to rectify the problem; if it is not possible for the practitioner to provide a solution the patient will be referred to a fellow professional for consultation and support for both the patient and practitioner.

The owner of Rejuvenation By Dr Morag has a duty to report incidents whereby something has gone wrong with a patient’s treatment. Following an incident, the owner will report the incident to a fellow aesthetic practitioner and, where appropriate, as a member of the CMAC group (Complications in Medical Aesthetics Collaborative) will be able to discussed with experts in aesthetics complication management if required and be able to reflect on the incident – both to aid in the future care of this patient, but also with a view to preventing a recurrence in future situations

If the incident is as a result of an adverse drug reaction or a medical device this will be reported to the MHRA using the yellow card system. The date, time and nature of the incident will be documented in the patient’s notes.


At Rejuvenation By Dr Morag, we believe that service users have the right to expect that the practitioner and the business offering treatment does so in an appropriate environment with the privacy, respect and dignity that each service user deserves.

When you supply your personal details to Rejuvenation By Dr Morag, they are stored and processed for the following reasons (as per the Data Protection Act 2018 & GDPR):

  • To collect personal information about your health in order to provide you with the best possible treatment & care. Your request for treatment and our agreement to provide that care constitutes a contract. You can, of course, refuse to provide the information, but if you were to do that, we would not be able to provide treatment.
  • To contact you to confirm your appointments and/or to update you on matters related to your medical care.
  • Subject to your consent – we may send younformation about our products, services and offers by telephone, email and SMS.  This is given as an opt in or out option when obtaining your personal information. You may withdraw this consent at any time – just let us know by any convenient method.

Rejuvenation By Dr Morag has a legal obligation to retain your records for 11 years after your most recent appointment.

Your records & photos are stored electronically using a specialist medical aesthetics records software provider (Aesthetics Nurse Software). This provider has given us their assurances that they are fully compliant with the General Data Protection Regulations. Access to this data is password protected, and the passwords are changed regularly.

At Rejuvenation By Dr Morag, my consultations and treatments are protected by practitioner/client
confidentiality.  I will never share your data with anyone who does not need access without your written consent.  

Only the following professionals will have access to your data:

  • Myself, as your practitioner, in order that I can provide you with safe treatment.
  • The aesthetic pharmacies where Prescription Only Medication is ordered in your name for your treatment.
  • In some instances, it may be in your best interests for information
    to be shared with your GP in line with GMC standards.  I’ll ask for your consent to do this in the consent forms sent out prior to treatment. 

Please feel free to email directly if you have any questions.

You can find out more about your rights under data protection legislation from the Information Commissioner’s Office website:

Complaints Policy

At Rejuvenation By Dr Morag, we pride ourselves on providing service users with quality care and treatment. However, there may be occasions when an individual’s expectations are not met. If you are dissatisfied with the service that you have received, you have the right to complain about our performance and have your concerns investigated.

We welcome complaints, as they are an important way of identifying the perspective of those we serve and improving satisfaction with the services we provide. Complaints can act as an early indicator that a system is not functioning effectively, and analysing trends in the factors that prompt complaints can provide valuable insight into where improvements may be required.

Complaints can be made verbally to any member of staff, by email or in writing to the owner using the following details:

Rejuvenation By Dr Morag
6 North Kersebonny Steading
Tel: 07834693423

The following steps will be taken when managing a complaint relating to our service:

  • We will acknowledge and investigate the complaint. This may involve discussing the issues with anyone else present e.g a chaperone, and reviewing records.
  • We will supply a written copy of our full complaints procedure (also available to every service user, and to any representative of a service users if that person so requests).
  • We will seek to inform the complainant of any action (if any) that is to be taken within 20 working days after the date on which the complaint is made, or such shorter period as may be reasonable in the circumstance’s.
  • We will record the complaint details, outcome, and action taken and use this information to improve services.

We would urge service users to contact the clinic initially in the first instance to try to resolve any issues, but Healthcare Improvement Scotland can be contacted by service users if they are unhappy about a service at any time.  HIS can be contacted at:

Programme Manager
Independent Healthcare Services Team
Healthcare Improvement Scotland
Gyle Square
1 South Gyle Crescent
EH12 9EB
Tel: 0131 623 4342

Terms & Conditions

The information on this website is intended as information only and should never be used as a substitute for legal or professional advice.

We cannot guarantee that the information is in date nor comply with individual circumstances.

Rejuvenation By Dr Morag are not liable for any losses or damages arising from your use of this site.

All links out of this website are checked on submission and on a regular basis. If the websites they link to are not under our control we are not responsible for the content, information, services or products provided by these companies.

Links are present as they may provide useful information to our users. A link to a third-party website does not imply endorsement.

We test this website regularly. However, we would advise you to run anti-virus programs on anything you download from the Internet. We cannot accept any responsibility for any damage to your computer system or loss of data caused by using this website.

If you encounter any issues at all whilst using this website please contact us with details or send us an email.

Please also refer to our Privacy Policy.